Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Charleston PTK Chapter named 2 Star Chapter!

The international office of PTK is pleased to announce that the ECPI Charleston chapter of Phi Theta Kappa has fulfilled all requirements to the distinction of being named a "2 Star Chapter". This commendation recognizes the chapter's successful attainment of goals as presented in the Society's Five Star Chapter Development Program.

Congratuations to the members of PTK and to Ms. Christine Curley, chapter advisor.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dean Weaver is our new Director of Education

Meet Dean Weaver, our new Director of Education. Mr. Weaver and our outgoing DOE Sandra Walsh are relaxing during the recent, very successful ECPI EXPO. During the EXPO, Michelle and Sabrina, two of our students ambassadors, served pizza to the many EXPO attendees. The Library showcased its new books and "hot off the press" newsletter.
A grand time was had by all!!

Need help with your research? Visit the Online Library 24/7 at

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New issue of Voice Newsletter is published!

Be on the lookout in your email box for the latest issue of The Voice ECPI Newsletter, published by the ECPI Library. It's filled with news about our July graduation, spotlights on our students, PTK news, career services highlights, financial aid updates, and much much more! Be sure to try the Math Challenge in the Math Magic section and submit your answer entry to the front desk by August 31 to win a nice prize!

Need help with your research? Visit It's available 24/7!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Library and campus prepare for upcoming EXPO on August 18, 2007

There's excitement and a wealth of activity as we all get ready to host the Summer EXPO! Instructors are busy planning their hands-on sessions, our ambassadors and CWS students are updating bulletin boards, and we are putting on our finest faces and ECPI Shirts to greet the many expected guests. Even a local radio station will be broadcasting from ECPI on this fun day!! Shown in the photo is faculty member Sandra Walsh at the January 2007 EXPO. The library is publishing the quarterly newsletter for the EXPO and will be showcasing its collection and the virtual library. We look forward to a successful Summer EXPO!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Announcing the arrival of two new journal titles!!!

For your reading pleasure, the Library now subscribes to several new journal titles. Two of them are noted here: IEEE Spectrum and Science News. Come in and browse our great journal/magazine collection of medical, computing, and general interest titles such as American Journal of Nursing, CMA Today (certified medical assistant), PC Magazine, Nuts and Volts, Psychology Today, Consumer Reports, Newsweek and much more!!!

Need help with your research?? Visit the Online Library 24/7 at

Thursday, August 2, 2007

MED 133 class puts on their scrubs and visits the Library!

Recently the MED 133 Patient Intake class visited the library to learn how to do research for a project they are doing on various diseases.

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